

Date : 13:30-18:00, Wednesday, November 27

A half-day tour is planned to visit three spots in the north of Tsukuba: ‘T-PIRC Farm’, ‘Inaba Shuzo’, and ‘Tsukuba Winery’.


Tsukuba-Plant Innovation Research Center Smart and Sustainable Agriculture Research Division [T-PIRC Farm] is located in University of Tsukuba. This farm develops researches to support food security and ecosecurity, and also conducts agricultural research by using research field for industrialization support researches. In this tour, participants will see “High GABA Tomatoes,” that are highly accumulated with GABA, a substance effective in lowering blood pressure, through genome editing technology. This tomato was developed based on research results from the University of Tsukuba and has become a hot topic as the world's first commercialized genome-edited crop.

T-PIRC Farm HP :​

Inaba Shuzo

Inaba Shuzo is a traditional “Japanese Sake” brewery founded in 1867 at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba. The Brewery uses the pure spring water of Mt. Tsukuba and brews sake only by hand, without relying on machines. The brand name “Minanogawa” has been made for a long time as the sacred sake of the shrine of Mt. Tsukuba (TsukubasanJinja). Participants will see how sake is made in the brewery and taste some sake.

Inaba Shuzo HP :​

Tsukuba Winery

Tsukuba Winery is a new winery established at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba. They started growing grapes in 2013 and built the winery near their vineyard in 2019. In 2020, the 1st vintage was sold and since then the original wine has been carefully made. The location is beautiful and comfortable for both grapes and people, with a pleasant breeze blowing from the mountain. During this tour, participants will see the vineyard and winery and taste their wines.

Tsukuba Winery HP (Only in Japanese) :